Thursday, March 12, 2015

Just an Ordinary Day

The alarm rings...5am. Time for the day to begin. But I am so tired! Last night was one of those nights where there was too many tasks left at the end of the day for the day to end. The life of a business owning single mom are often long and taxing. Up far to early by most people's standards and up far to late for sanity.

But when you have little lives depending on you, then you give more than you think you have to get the tasks accomplished.

Oh yeah...the alarm!

I press the snooze, hoping for just another 10 minutes. But no...a small warm body presses close to me. I roll over and inhale the sweet smell of my youngest child, and my heart soars. This is why I get up early every day. This is why I work late every night. this little blonde, and her brother and sister are my life. I embrace this moment of stillness before the craziness of the day begins.

Fast forward 2 hours. Showers have been taken, breakfast consumed, hair combed, shoes found and lunches packed. Binders have been signed, homework double checked and instruments gathered. I prepare to administer the daily medicine to my youngest child.

It breaks my heart...this little gold pill...but it does help her get through the day. See, my youngest child has recently been diagnosed with ADHD and my be special needs. I don't like the fact she is on meds, but at the moment it is the best choice for her. I double check that she has had her green food supplement and her Omegas...anything I can do to help her little body find the much needed balance it craves.

Finally, the girls are out the door and off to school.

Coffee! It is my vice, my nemesis...and my best friend. It is my morning companion as I prepare my day.

Soon, The Boy emerges from his cocoon. This one is quiet, he likes to join me in my quiet coffee moments and just sit with his head on my shoulder. There is a special bond between me and my first born. Not any more important...just different than that with his sisters. He understands the need for quiet. We sit and soak in this quiet moment together before he to heads off to school.

Now it is just me. I decide to take a few more moments and do some yoga before i spend some time in meditation and prayer. I have learned that it is so important to take time to care for me. Some days it is yoga, some days it is a homemade beauty treatment. Always it is permission to my self. To take a few moments for me so I am better able to care for the needs of my family.

The rest of the day is spent working on my business, talking to potential clients and enlarging my social media reach. I often have homework. I always have house work. The dishes and the laundry never end. Occasionally I will go to lunch with someone dear to me or get away to run some errands.
I am always looking for ways to enhance the day and create a spirit of peace in  my day and my home. I will learn about a new beauty treatment I want to try, a new house keeping routine or a new book to add to our family library.

The end of the day is just as fast paced. There is homework to get through and dinner to be made. There is a pile of dishes to wash and instruments to practice. The highlight of my day? Right before the children go to bed. We gather as a family and spend some time in sharing, teaching and prayer.
I believe it is important to take the time to appreciate these quiet moments with our loved ones, no matter how fleeting they may seem. These moments are what make it possible to get though the daily rounds, to keep going when all strength seems to be gone. To give our all to provide for those that depend on us.

Find these moments, create them and protect them.

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